«France should be part of the solution rather than being the cause conflict prolongation» (Prime Minister) | Sahara Press Service

Home «France should be part of the solution rather than being the cause conflict prolongation» (Prime Minister) | Sahara Press Service

Boumerdes (Algeria), August 24, 2016 (SPS) – The Prime Minister, Mr. Abdelkader Taleb Omar has called on France to contribute in finding a solution to the Western Sahara conflict, due to its international responsibilities in maintaining security and stability in the world and the region.

«We call on France to be part of the solution rather than being the cause of the prolongation of the conflict and complexity, to accelerate the aspirations of Maghreb peoples in the regional, democratic and prosperous  construction on the south shore of Mediterranean «, the Prime Minister said in his speech before the participants in Summer University.

He also appealed France, a permanent member of the UN Security Council,  to stop its blind support to the Moroccan occupation of Western Sahara. «This support encourages the Moroccan regime in its challenge to the United Nations and its resolutions.»

On the other hand, Abdelkader Taleb Omar praised the Spanish people consensus support to the Saharawi people, calling Spanish government to assume the historical and legal responsibilities towards the Saharawi people as the administering power of the territory, according to the international law, and to fulfill its debt to the Saharawi people by acting as a «positive» to speed up the peaceful settlement of the conflict.

He also expressed his thanks and gratitude to the international movement of solidarity with the struggle of the Saharawi people to governments, parliaments and political parties and civil society in Africa, Europe,  America, Asia, Australia, who accompanied Saharawi people in the various stages of his struggle in international forums and regional. (SPS)

Origen: «France should be part of the solution rather than being the cause conflict prolongation» (Prime Minister) | Sahara Press Service