Accord de pêche UE-Maroc / Fisheries Agreement EU-Morocco / Acuerdo pesquero UE-Marruecos — SAHARA OCCIDENTAL – WESTERN SAHARA

Home Actualidad Accord de pêche UE-Maroc / Fisheries Agreement EU-Morocco / Acuerdo pesquero UE-Marruecos — SAHARA OCCIDENTAL – WESTERN SAHARA

Sentence of the EU Court oj Justice, 27.02.2018The EU Court issued a ruling stating that the EU-Morocco Fisheries Partnership Agreement is only valid if it does not apply to the waters of Western Sahara. Court’s press release Full ruling. (all EU languages)Reactions , mediaPolisario Declaration EU top court: EU-Morocco fishing deal valid as long as…

a través de Accord de pêche UE-Maroc / Fisheries Agreement EU-Morocco / Acuerdo pesquero UE-Marruecos — SAHARA OCCIDENTAL – WESTERN SAHARA