Algerian Red Crescent denounces cut of aid to Sahrawi people | Sahara Press Service

Home Actualidad Algerian Red Crescent denounces cut of aid to Sahrawi people | Sahara Press Service

Algiers, September 4, 2017 (SPS) – President of the Algerian Red Crescent (CRA) Saida Benhabilès has denounced on Sunday the global decision of reducing the humanitarian aids to the Sahrawi people, calling on the UN and the international humanitarian organizations to put pressure on donors so to cancel such an «irresponsible» decision.
Speaking during a news conference she jointly hosted with Sahrawi human rights defender Aminatou Haidar in Algiers, Benhabilès called on the UN and the international humanitarian organizations to cancel the global decision of reducing aids to Western Sahara people, under the pretext of the «financial crisis.»
She affirmed that the situation in the Sahrawi occupied territories «is extremely worrying.»
Benhabilès called for «the application of the international humanitarian law to safe the Sahrawis from genocide, through an economic decision with political ends,» adding that «this irresponsible   decision is contrary to the most elementary human rights.»
Aminatou Haider has for her part denounced the «international complicity » which allowed the Moroccan occupying forces to exploit Western Sahara’s resources,» recalling France’s attempts to pressure the European Union to cut humanitarian aids to the Sahrawi refugees in Tindouf camps.
Haidar warned against the consequences of this decision which may incite the Sahrawi youth to immigrate. (SPS)
Origen: Algerian Red Crescent denounces cut of aid to Sahrawi people | Sahara Press Service