London, July 1, 2016 (SPS) – The representative of the Polisario Front in London Mohamed Ali Mohamed Limam affirmed that Great Britain’s exit from the European Union (EU) “could alleviate the pressure exercised currently on Morocco, but the British position will progressively evolves towards the support of the Sahrawi cause.”
In an interview to the site “Al-Sahrawi,” Limam said that the Polisario Front and the Sahrawi government respect the British people’s decision concerning their country’s exit from the EU, adding that “the laws of Great Britain will no more be subject to EUs’ laws, and since Great Britain doesn’t possess investments in Western Sahara, this country’s position is called to harden notably in the United Nations.”
In this regard, Limam said that “Great Britain’s current position vis-à-vis the Sahrawi issue shows progress compared with other influential countries, but remains inadequate,” denouncing the Moroccan vain attempts aimed at weakening it.
In its capacity as permanent member at the Security Council and within the group for friendship with Western Sahara, Great Britain has a great importance in the diplomatic action aimed at collecting an advanced position from all the countries concerning the Sahrawi issue. (SPS)
a través de British exit from EU, profitable to Sahrawi cause | Sahara Press Service