Call for attaching greater importance to Human Rights situation | Sahara Press Service

Home Actualidad Call for attaching greater importance to Human Rights situation | Sahara Press Service

Geneva, July 7, 2018 (SPS) – The ambassadors of 16 countries from the five continents called Thursday on the UN Human Rights Council to attach greater importance to the human rights situation in Western Sahara occupied cities.
The diplomats have also placed more emphasis on the need to support the report of the UN Envoy who assessed on the ground the Sahrawis’ conditions in the Refugee camps and in the occupied cities, in the absence of a solution to the Sahrawi question which would guarantee the people’s right to self-determination.
In an address read by South African ambassador, the ambassadors added that the UN Chief report 2018 mentioned cases of torture and repression, against Sahrawi civilians and notably Human Rights defenders in Western Sahara occupied cities.
The South African ambassador to the Council concluded her address by calling on the UN Human Rights Commission offices to cooperate with the UN Chief by sending technical delegation to Western Sahara, in conformity with the content of the report the UN Commissioner for Human Rights submitted during the works of the 38th ordinary session of the UN Human Rights Council, held last June. (SPS)

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