CONASADH denounces Moroccan attempts to cover up crimes in the occupied areas of Western Sahara | Sahara Press Service

Home Actualidad CONASADH denounces Moroccan attempts to cover up crimes in the occupied areas of Western Sahara | Sahara Press Service
CONASADH denounces Moroccan attempts to cover up crimes in the occupied areas of Western Sahara | Sahara Press Service

Geneva (Switzerland), Sept 12, 2019 (SPS) – The Saharawi National Human Rights Commission has denounced the Moroccan regime’s attempts to hide systematic human rights violations in the occupied areas of Western Sahara. The Saharawi commission has stated that Morocco strives to hide the massacre and crime against humanity against the Saharawi civilian population since the beginning of the illegal occupation of the Western Sahara territory in autumn 1975.

The coordinator of the Saharawi National Commission for Human Rights in Europe, Hasan Emaylid, has pointed out, in the work of the 42 session of the UN Human Rights Council, that Moroccan policy in the occupied areas of Western Sahara has not changed since the 1970s, where kidnappings, arbitrary detentions and systematic violence are common practices against Saharawi civilians. Emaylid has stressed that the only possible option to end violations of the Moroccan regime is for the UN to assume its responsibilities in the territory with the holding of the self-determination referendum, as required by the various resolutions of the General Assembly and the Council of Security.

During his speech, the CONASADH member described the sinister methods of torture perpetrated by the Moroccan army against the Saharawi population. Launching of Saharawis from military airplanes (death flights), torture or execution were some of the methods exposed by Hasan Emaylid before the public and organizations that take part in the 42 session of the UN Human Rights Council.

He has also denounced Morocco’s refusal to hand over the bodies of the Sahrawis killed in secret detention centers or the location of mass communions in which hundreds SPS

Origen: CONASADH denounces Moroccan attempts to cover up crimes in the occupied areas of Western Sahara | Sahara Press Service