Hamma Salama elegido como Presidente del Consejo Nacional saharaui (Parlamento) | Sahara Press Service (e. inglesa)

Home Actualidad Hamma Salama elegido como Presidente del Consejo Nacional saharaui (Parlamento) | Sahara Press Service (e. inglesa)
Hamma Salama elegido como Presidente del Consejo Nacional saharaui (Parlamento) | Sahara Press Service (e. inglesa)

Bir-Lahlou (Liberated Territories), 16 March 2020 (SPS) – Member of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front, Mr. Hamma Salama, has been elected the Speaker of the Sahrawi National Council (Parliament).

The election of the Speaker of the National Council was held on Monday during its constitutive session in the liberated town of Bir-Lahlou, and among two candidates Mr. Hamma Salama and Mr. Salek Baba Hassna, Mr. Hamma Salama won the majority of the votes.

The new deputies had earlier approved a committee of deputies to conduct the voting process.

It is worth mentioning that the election of the deputies of the Sahrawi National Council took place during the political conferences held on 8 and 9 March. (SPS)

Origen: Election of Hamma Salama as Speaker of National Council | Sahara Press Service