Mass demonstration in condemnation of Madrid tripartite agreement | Sahara Press Service

Home Actualidad Mass demonstration in condemnation of Madrid tripartite agreement | Sahara Press Service
Mass demonstration in condemnation of Madrid tripartite agreement | Sahara Press Service

Madrid, November 16, 2019 (SPS) – Thousands from Sahrawi community associations and their counterparts of solidarity associations with the Sahrawi people in various Spanish regions have demonstrated in Spanish capital, Madrid, in condemnation tripartite agreement that subjected Western Sahara to the unjust partition in its 44th anniversary.

The Participants addressed  messages to the new left-wing coalition government of Spain, where they read out statement denouncing the continuation of the official policy of Spain in breach of all commitments and responsibilities in light of the rising popular calls for Spanish politicians to contribute to the search for an urgent and lasting political settlement that enables the Sahrawi people to the right to independence and freedom in accordance with the conventions and principles of international legitimacy.

The annual demonstration culminated in the announcement of an international campaign to release all Sahrawi political prisoners in Moroccan jails and protect human rights in the occupied territories of Western Sahara and southern Morocco. (SPS)

Origen: Mass demonstration in condemnation of Madrid tripartite agreement | Sahara Press Service