Shaheed AL-Hafed, 27 April 2020 – The National Mechanism for the Prevention of Coronavirus on Monday held its weekly regular meeting, chaired by Prime Minister, Mr. Bushraya Bayoune, to assess the application of the measures taken to prevent the Coronavirus pandemic and the general situation in the refugee camps and liberated areas.
In a statement to the national media, the Spokesperson of the Government, Minister of Information, Mr. Hamada Salma, confirmed that the health situation in the refugee camps and the liberated territories was reassuring, as no cases of Coronavirus have been recorded.
Regarding the quarantine of citizens coming to the camps, he confirmed that the process is being carried out in the manner set out and in accordance with the procedures applied by the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Coronavirus.
The Government Spokesperson indicated that the health situation in the neighboring countries, which continue to record cases of Cronavirus, requires us to comply more with the measures announced by the National Mechanism for the Prevention of Coronavirus and keeping the border closed.
He called on the authorities to continue to implement the measures and reduce the movement, noting the response of citizens to these measures to prevent the pandemic. (SPS)