President of Republic oversees closing of annual conference on foreign relations | Sahara Press Service

Home President of Republic oversees closing of annual conference on foreign relations | Sahara Press Service
Hussein Tamek Complex (Shaheed El-Hafed), Dec 31, 2016 (SPS) – President 0f Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, oversaw Saturday evening the closing of the work of the annual conference of foreign relations, in the presence of members of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front, the SADR government and diplomatic corps.
The President of the Republic highlighted in his speech that this year has been marked by the important victory achieved by the Sahrawi issue on the legal judicial front at the level of the European Court of Justice, which supported the arsenal of international resolutions affirming that Morocco has no sovereignty of over Western Sahara, making its presence just illegal military occupation, and strengthened the position of the Polisario Front  as the legitimate representative of the Sahrawi people alone.
Such a resolution must be supported by intensive and comprehensive diplomatic and sensitizing action, with all the actors, allies and friends to stop looting our riches and prosecution of those countries, companies and individuals involved.
The work of the annual conference of foreign relations held December 27-30, where several important lectures were presented by international experts and senior officials in the state as well as the setting up a strategy and prospects for the year 2017. (SPS)

Origen: President of Republic oversees closing of annual conference on foreign relations | Sahara Press Service