5 de octubre de 20165 de octubre de 20160 04/10/2016 [23:11] : POLISARIO welcomes EU Justice Court judgment to annul EU-Morocco trade and agricultural agreements as it does not apply to Western Sahara (Ould Salek) [23:04] : Sahrawi issue status quo is seen as a failure of UN to keep its promise to undergo a process of decolonization via a self-determination referendum for Sahrawi people (Sahrawi Foreign Minister) [23:01] : It should be recognized that any country intending to accede to the AU must fulfill the requirements of the AU Constitutive Act (Sahrawi Foreign Minister) [22:58] : Morocco hinders all international community efforts to secure the decolonization of Western Sahara (Mohamed Salem Ould Salek) [17:14] : UN Fourth Committee reaffirms commitment to Sahrawi people’s right to self-determination [10:47] : Cooperation Minister calls Spain to shoulder its historic responsibility towards Saharawi people Comparte esto:Haz clic para compartir en Facebook (Se abre en una ventana nueva)Haz clic para compartir en X (Se abre en una ventana nueva)Haz clic para compartir en Telegram (Se abre en una ventana nueva)Haz clic para compartir en WhatsApp (Se abre en una ventana nueva)