Saharawi Foreign Minister holds meetings with numerous delegations at UNGA 73rd session | Sahara Press Service

Home Saharawi Foreign Minister holds meetings with numerous delegations at UNGA 73rd session | Sahara Press Service

New York, Sept 28, 2018 (SPS) – The Minister of Foreign Affairs , Mohamed Salem Ould Salek has met with numerous heads of foreign delegations participating at the 73rd ordinary session of the General Assembly of the United Nations taken part in New York

The Saharawi Minister explained to his interlocutors the moment in which the national question is going through, focusing on the efforts of the AU and the UN to complete the process of decolonization of Western Sahara.

The head of Saharawi diplomacy has also taken the opportunity to exchange ideas with his interlocutors about the need to accelerate the eradication of colonialism, taking advantage of the last two years of the Third International Decade for the Elimination of Colonialism (2011-2020).

The debate on the Sahrawi conflict is basically part of the agenda of the Special Political and Decolonization Commission (Fourth Committee) under the theme of the program entitled Application of the Declaration of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (item62).

several delegations, during this session,  have referred to the need to end the last case of decolonization of the African continent and have expressed their support for the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination and sovereignty national.

Mohamed Salem Ould Salek, heads an important Saharawi delegation including Mhamed Khadad, Saharawi coordinator with MINURSO, Sidi Mohamed Omar representative of the Frenet POLISARIO to the UN and Malainin Slama member of POLISARIO representation to the UN. SPS


Origen: Saharawi Foreign Minister holds meetings with numerous delegations at UNGA 73rd session | Sahara Press Service