Sahrawi Human Rights Committee demands all international bodies to pressure Morocco to conduct an independent investigation on assassination the syndicalistic Brahim Saika | Sahara Press Service

Home Sahrawi Human Rights Committee demands all international bodies to pressure Morocco to conduct an independent investigation on assassination the syndicalistic Brahim Saika | Sahara Press Service

Bir Lahlu (liberated territories), August 05, 2016 (SPS) – the Sahrawi National Committee of human rights demanded on Friday all international bodies and human rights organizations and trade unions to exert pressure on the Moroccan authorities to conduct an independent investigation on the circumstances of the assassination Brahim Saika, and to reveal All the circumstances of his death and to bring the perpetrators to justice.

In its statement a copy of which obtained by SPS,  the committee assumed the Moroccan state the legal and criminal responsibility of this heinous murders and of every deliberate crime committed against the Saharawi defenseless citizens.SPS

Origen: Sahrawi Human Rights Committee demands all international bodies to pressure Morocco to conduct an independent investigation on assassination the syndicalistic Brahim Saika | Sahara Press Service