Sahrawi Observatory for Children and Women condemns a minor Sahrawi child arrest | Sahara Press Service

Home Actualidad Sahrawi Observatory for Children and Women condemns a minor Sahrawi child arrest | Sahara Press Service
Sahrawi Observatory for Children and Women condemns a minor Sahrawi child arrest | Sahara Press Service

Occupied Aaiun, Feb 19, 2019 (SPS) – the Moroccan occupation police in the occupied city of Aaiun has arrested a minor child, the student «Rageb Mohamed Rgeibi» on Sunday evening, near the street of Skeikima where they brought him to the police station and subjected him to severe beatings and psychological torture.

The arrest of the minor child » Rageb  Mohamed Rgeibi » on the ground of his participation in a peaceful demonstration demanding the right of the Sahrawi people to self-determination and independence.

In a statement, the Observatory expressed its condemnation of the practices of repression and intimidation of Saharawi children, in contravention of all international conventions dealing with children’s rights.

it expressed its strong condemnation of what happened to the minor Sahrawi child, » Rageb  Mohamed Rgeibi » from kidnapping, arrest and torture inside the police stations, adding that the observatory is to report all the grave violations committed by the Moroccan regime daily against Sahrawi children.

The statement reiterated its appeal to the international community to intervene urgently to protect Saharawi children and create a UN mechanism to monitor human rights in Western Sahara. SPS

Origen: Sahrawi Observatory for Children and Women condemns a minor Sahrawi child arrest | Sahara Press Service