London, August 10, 2016 (SPS) – The human rights organization Amnesty International (AI) launched a camping for a fair civil trial for the 23 Sahrawi human rights activists, including 21 detained by the Moroccan occupying forces in the prison of Salé in Rabat, accused in the case known as Gdeim Izik.
The organization launched Tuesday an “urgent action” on its site and through correspondences to call on the international public opinion to join it to “exhort the Moroccan authorities to ensure that the new civil trial of the 23 Sahrawi human rights activists is fair and complies with the international standards.”
Amnesty also calls to exert pressure on Morocco so that all the statements “obtained by torture” are excluded from the legal proceeding.
The campaign also includes the immediate liberation of the Sahrawi political prisoners, pending the civil trial “unless there are valid reasons to detain them.”SPS