Etiqueta: Formación Profesional

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Opening of International Forum for Education and Vocational Training in Sahrawi Refugee Camps | Sahara Press Service (SPS)

Opening of International Forum for Education and Vocational Training in Sahrawi Refugee Camps | Sahara Press Service (SPS)

Boujdour (refugee camps) October 13, 2024 (SPS) – The International Forum for Education and Vocational Training was opened on Saturday evening in the wilaya of Boujdour, Sahrawi refugee camps,  in the presence of Prime Minister Mr. Bouchraya Beyoun and members of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front and the government and foreign delegations, in addition...


Formation professionnelle: remise de deux centres mobiles au profit de la jeunesse sahraouie | Sahara Press Service (SPS)

Alger, 25 oct 2023 (SPS) Deux centres de formation professionnelle mobiles dotés d’équipements modernes en matière de technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) ont été remis, mardi à Alger, au profit de la jeunesse sahraouie, en signe de solidarité avec le peuple du Sahara occidental. La cérémonie de remise de ces centres a...