Chahid El Hafed (Campamentos de la Dignidad), 14 de abril de 2019 (SPS) -. El Secretariado Nacional del Frente POLISARIO a través de su Buró Permanente ha renovado su condena a los continuos obstáculos impuestos por el estado de ocupación marroquí frente a los esfuerzos de una solución justa y duradera al contencioso saharaui-marroquí. En un...
Etiqueta: Gobierno de la RASD
Enemy’s barbaric policy will not discourage Sahrawi people | Sahara Press Service
Shaheed Al Hafed, March 9, 2019 (SPS) – President of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR), Brahim Ghali, said on Thursday that the policies adopted by the Moroccan occupier against the Sahrawis in the occupied territories «will not deter the Sahrawi struggle for freedom and independence». Speaking at meeting with the delegation of human rights defenders...
Sahara occidental: «la politique barbare de l’ennemi ne découragera pas les Sahraouis de lutter pour la liberté» (Président de la République) | Sahara Press Service
Chahid El Hafedh, 7 mars 2019 (SPS) Le président de la République, Brahim Ghali a affirmé jeudi que les politiques adoptées par l’occupant marocains contre les Sahraouis dans les territoires occupés «ne dissuaderont pas la lutte sahraouie pour continuer la bataille jusqu’à ce que nous atteignons la liberté et l’indépendance». Lors d’une réunion avec la...
Sahrawi Ambassador holds discussions with Western Cape Provincial Minister of Community Safety | Sahara Press Service
Western Cape (South Africa), February 9, 2019 (SPS) – The Ambassador of the Sahrawi Republic to South African, Bashir Asaghir, on Friday held discussions with Mr. Alan Richard Winde, Western Cape Provincial Minister of Community Safety, a Member of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament, on the bilateral relations between the two countries, the Sahrawi Republic and...
Government presents its 2019 program of action before National Council | Sahara Press Service
National Council, February 4, 2019 (SPS) – Prime Minister, Mohamed Alwali Akeik, on Monday presented the project of the Government’s program of action for 2019 before the National Council in an open session chaired by the Speaker of the National Council, Khatri Adduh, in the presence of members of the legislative and executive bodies. The...
President of Republic chairs meeting of SPLA General Staff | Sahara Press Service
Shaheed Alhafeed, December 30, 2018 (SPS) – President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Polisario Front, and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Brahim Ghali, on Sunday chaired a meeting of the General Staff of the Sahrawi People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) at the headquarters of the Ministry of National Defense. The President of the Republic,...
Le président de la République préside une réunion du bureau de Permanent du SN du Front Polisario | Sahara Press Service
Chahid ElHafedh, 22 déc 2018 (SPS) Le président de la République, secrétaire général du Front POLISARIO, Brahim Ghali, a présidé samedi une réunion du Bureau permanent du Secrétariat national du Front POLISARIO. L’ordre du jour de la réunion était axé sur l’examen des résultats de la 9ème session du Secrétariat national du Front POLISARIO, afin...
President of Republic chairs meeting of Permanenet Bureau | Sahara Press Service
Shaheed Alhafeed, December 22, 2018 (SPS) – President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the POLISARIO Front, Brahim Ghali, on Saturday chaired a meeting of the Permanent Bureau of the National Secretariat of the POLISARIO Front. The agenda of the meeting focused on reviewing of the outputs of the 9th session of the National Secretariat of...
Gobierno saharaui desmiente rumores sobre “amenaza del crimen organizado” | Sahara Press Service
Bir Lehlu ( Zonas Liberadas), 9 de diciembre de 2018 (SPS)- El Gobierno de la República Árabe Saharaui Democrática desmiente, a través el Ministerio de Información, los “rumores” difundidos por algunos medios sobre la supuesta operación llevada a cabo por la Policia Nacional contra amenaza del crimen organizado . “Lo difundido por algunos medios sobre la...
Ministry of Information refutes rumors about aborting criminal scheme in Sahrawi refugee camps | Sahara Press Service
Bir-Lahlou (Liberated Territories), December 9, 2018 (SPS) – The Ministry of Information issued a statement, in which it refuted media coverage about aborting of a criminal scheme in the Sahrawi refugee camps. “What has been reported by some media platforms about aborting of criminal scheme, is an exaggerated rhetoric and out of right,” said the statement....
President of Republic chairs meeting of Permanent Bureau of National Secretariat — Sahara Press Service
Shaheed Alhafeed, December 9, 2018 (SPS) – President of the Republic, General Secretary of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali chaired on Sunday a meeting of the Permanent Bureau of the National Secretariat of the Polisario Front. 127 palabras más a través de President of Republic chairs meeting of Permanent Bureau of National Secretariat — Sahara Press...