Últimas publicaciones de "Australia Western Sahara Association"

Home Últimas publicaciones de "Australia Western Sahara Association"

Phosphate shipment held up as South African court sorts theft claims

The Australian
Ben Butler

What New Zealand Owes The Western Sahara

Huff Post
Michael Dobson
10 May 2017

Phosphate rock supply interrupted

Sun Live
Andrew Campbell
11 May 2017

Morocco phosphate ship held in South Africa port over Western Sahara claim

Samia Errazzouki and Patrick Markey
3 May 2017

Plunder vessel detained in South Africa on way to New Zealand

Western Sahara Resource Watch
3 May 2017
A bulk vessel was Tuesday this week detained in the South African port of Port Elizabeth for carrying phosphate rock plundered from occupied Western Sahara.

Why the World Needs to Know About Western Sahara’s Seemingly Endless Struggle for Independence

Africa Speaks 4 Africa

Amira Ali