Protecting their people – tip of the hat to this amazing team: the Sahrawi community is carrying out a cleaning and disinfection campaign in the camps to prevent #COVID19; UNHCR is supporting by providing personal protective equipment. #Sahrawis #Refugees #Algeria 🇩🇿
— UNHCR Algeria (@unhcralgeria) March 25, 2020
The Sahrawi community is carrying out a cleaning and disinfection campaign in the camps to prevent #COVID19; UNHCR is supporting by providing personal protective equipment. #Sahrawis #Refugees #Algeria 🇩🇿
— UNHCR Algeria (@unhcralgeria) March 25, 2020
The Sahrawi community is carrying out a cleaning and disinfection campaign in the camps to prevent #COVID19; UNHCR is supporting by providing personal protective equipment. #Sahrawis #Refugees #Algeria 🇩🇿
— UNHCR Algeria (@unhcralgeria) March 25, 2020