AU: Morocco’s assaults against Western Sahara "doomed to fail" | Sahara Press Service

Home Actualidad AU: Morocco’s assaults against Western Sahara "doomed to fail" | Sahara Press Service

Algiers, September 4, 2017 (SPS) – Foreign Minister Abdelkader Messahel said that Morocco’s assaults against the delegations of the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) at the African Union are always «doomed to fail,» welcoming the position of the Pan-African Organization which showed «unity and cohesion.”
Messahel said on the sidelines of the opening of the Parliament’s ordinary session that the «Moroccan assaults, like those against Malabo and Mozambique are always doomed to fail.»
The minister welcomed AU position, underlining that the Pan-African organization «showed that Africa is united and speaks with one voice.»
AU currently counts 55 States, including Western Sahara and Morocco.
The Sahrawi delegation participating in the Joint Japan-Africa Ministerial Meeting on African Development (TICAD-VI), held in Maputo (Mozambique) from 23 to 25 August 2017, was verbally and physically assaulted by the Moroccan delegation.
However, the Sahrawi delegation could attend the ministerial meeting despite the Moroccan provocations. (SPS)
Origen: AU: Morocco’s assaults against Western Sahara «doomed to fail» | Sahara Press Service