British NGO calls for MINURSO mandate to include human rights monitoring | Sahara Press Service

Home Internacional British NGO calls for MINURSO mandate to include human rights monitoring | Sahara Press Service

London, Oct 2, 2017 (SPS) – British non-governmental organization for solidarity with Western Sahara, «Western Sahara Campaign,» reiterated its call for the mandate of the United Nation Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) to be extended to include human rights monitoring in the occupied territories.
The NGO, in a statement, condemned «the brutality of Moroccan occupation authorities against Saharawi citizen because of their participation in peaceful protests, expressing solidarity with the Saharawi political prisoners of Gdeim Izik and calling for their immediate and unconditional release.»
It also urged the UN Security Council to assume its duties, making it possible for Western Sahara people to exert their right to self-determination.
«Abuses against Saharawi people’s rights by Moroccan occupation authorities will continue until the UN implements the international law,» the British NGO stressed, calling for Western Sahara people’s right to self-determination.
According to its forward-looking agenda for October, the Security Council has scheduled another briefing on Western Sahara to discuss the situation in the non-autonomous territory.
The UN is about to relaunch mediation efforts, early November, to resume talks between the Polisario Front and Morocco. (SPS)

a través de British NGO calls for MINURSO mandate to include human rights monitoring | Sahara Press Service