NS Permanent Bureau praises AU’s position of support to the Saharawi cause | Sahara Press Service

Home Actualidad NS Permanent Bureau praises AU’s position of support to the Saharawi cause | Sahara Press Service
NS Permanent Bureau praises AU’s position of support to the Saharawi cause | Sahara Press Service

Chahid El Hafed , Feb 21, 2019 (SPS) – the Permanent Bureau of the National Secretariat praised Wednesday the support of the African Union for the Sahrawi cause, in statement concluded its meeting yesterday at the Presidency´s headquarter

The Permanent Bureau hailed the principle position of the African Union and its commitment to its Constitutive Act, recalling the permanent presence of the Saharawi question within the continental organization and at the highest levels.

It notes that the formation of an African troika at the level of presidents reflects the natural and required role of the African Union to resolve the dispute between the two member countries in the Organization, the Saharawi Republic and the Kingdom of Morocco.

The Permanent Bureau highlights the growing interest at the international level in promoting the resolution of the conflict in Western Sahara, especially the efforts of the Personal Envoy of the Secretary General of the United Nations, President Horst Koehler.

In this sense, the POLISARIO reiterates its sincere cooperation with the efforts of the UN to decolonize Western Sahara. SPS

Origen: NS Permanent Bureau praises AU’s position of support to the Saharawi cause | Sahara Press Service