President Brahim Ghali calls for demining mines, a serious threat to the lives of Saharawi citizens | Sahara Press Service

Home Actualidad President Brahim Ghali calls for demining mines, a serious threat to the lives of Saharawi citizens | Sahara Press Service
President Brahim Ghali calls for demining mines, a serious threat to the lives of Saharawi citizens | Sahara Press Service

Bir Lahlou, Dec 18 2018 (SPS) – The President of the Republic, Secretary-General of the Frente POLISARIO, Mr. Brahim Ghali called on UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to intervene to accelerate the clearance of mines that are threatening the lives of Sahrawi citizens and their property.

In a letter addressed to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, President Gali said, «We urge you to intervene to accelerate the clearance of these mines, which are a daily threat to the lives of Sahrawi citizens and their properties.»  paradoxically, the rainy season, which is an opportunity for our citizens to move to the Sahrawi lands on both sides of the Moroccan occupation wall, where it is supposed to be a season of good and peace, is unfortunately accompanied by explosions of Moroccan mines, including those washed away by floods, which are often replaced by Moroccan forces. »

“On Friday, December 14, 2018, two Moroccan landmines has caused the death of the Sahrawi citizen Mahfud Chacrad and serious injuries to others,” the President of the Republic adds in his letter

President Gali stressed that the Frente POLISARIO, which adhered to the requirements of the Ottawa Mine Ban Treaty and signed the instrument of commitment to the Geneva Appeal in 2005, «appeals to your excellency to lead the international community to impose concrete measures and direct pressure on the Kingdom of Morocco, to clear this imminent danger which poses a real threat to the lives and property of the Sahrawi citizens. » SPS

Origen: President Brahim Ghali calls for demining mines, a serious threat to the lives of Saharawi citizens | Sahara Press Service