President of Republic congratulates his South African counterpart on the celebrations of Freedom Day | Sahara Press Service

Home Actualidad President of Republic congratulates his South African counterpart on the celebrations of Freedom Day | Sahara Press Service
President of Republic congratulates his South African counterpart on the celebrations of Freedom Day | Sahara Press Service

Bir Lehlou, April 27, 2021 (SPS)- The President of the Pepublic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front Mr. Ibrahim Ghali, congratulated his counterpart the President of the Republic of South Africa H.E Mr. Cyril Matamela Ramaphosa, on the celebrations of Freedom Day.

«It is with great honour and pleasure that I am writing, on behalf of the Government and People of the Sahrawi Republic, to congratulate you, the Government, and the brotherly People of South Africa on the celebrations of Freedom Day, and to wish them prosperity, progress, and success in the fulfilment of their noble goals and objectives» said the President Ghali in his letter.

He confirmed that The freedom that has been won by the heroic struggle of the people of South Africa has earned the respect, solidarity, and admiration of the whole world especially the peoples of our beloved continent Africa, and that the Sahrawi people who have been struggling for their freedom and independence continue to draw great inspiration from the exemplary struggle and resistance of your brotherly people.

On this occasion, added the President of the Republic, I would like to assure you of our strong resolve to strengthen and further develop the brotherly relations that happily exist between our two countries, which was cemented during our common struggle for freedom, and to boost them to the highest possible level.

«Please accept, Excellency and Dear Brother, the assurances of my highest consideration» Brahim Ghali concluded his letter.

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Origen: President of Republic congratulates his South African counterpart on the celebrations of Freedom Day | Sahara Press Service