Sahara Press Service (Saturday, August 13, 2016)

Home Sahara Press Service (Saturday, August 13, 2016)
Saturday, 13/08/2016

Nouakchott, August 11, 2016 (SPS) – Special envoy of President of the Republic,M’Hamed Khaddad, was received Thursday at the presidential palace in Nouakchott, by His Excellency Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz, President of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania , to whom he handed a message from his brother Brahim Ghali, President of the Republic and… + continue reading

Occupied zones

Saturday, 13/08/16

Dakhla (occupied territories), August 13, 2016 (SPS) Saharawi citizen, Mohamed Fadel Ould Hnane, aged 27, was killed by a Moroccan settler in the occupied city of Dakhla. The Saharawi citizen was… + continue reading


Monday, 01/08/16

Madrid, August 1, 2016 (SPS) – The Spanish Coordination of Associations Supporting Western Sahara (CEAS) urged the «release of all Sahrawi political prisoners held in Moroccan prisons,» and… + continue reading


Monday, 01/08/16

Windhoek, 31 JUL (SPS) – Human rights violation committed against the Saharawi people, illegal and shameful exploitation of natural resources by members of the European Union (EU) and Morocco’s… + continue reading