Sahrawi government condemns King of Morocco speech, emphasizes Sahrawi people will continue liberation struggle | Sahara Press Service

Home Sahrawi government condemns King of Morocco speech, emphasizes Sahrawi people will continue liberation struggle | Sahara Press Service
Shaheed El Hafed, November 7, 2016 (SPS) – Sahrawi government has strongly condemned the contents of the colonial speech of the King of Morocco, and emphasized that the Saharawi people will continue their struggle to achieve  the legitimate rights of liberation and independence.
in a statement on Monday,the government underlined that the Moroccan regime constitutes at the continental level a dividing factor and confrontation element as a result of its expansionist policy against neighbors, in addition to the fact that it is an African state pursuing the same policy of apartheid and colonialism against a neighboring people, and it is the main contributor to what is witnessed by the northwest Africa region of instability, confrontations and loss of valuable opportunities in development and integration policies.
The statement estimated that the speech of the King of Morocco from Senegal, which he considered a natural extension of the Kingdom of Morocco was – unfortunately – a deliberate offence against Africa and its continental organization, which the King is trying to involve forcibly, with disregard and contempt and without the slightest respect for its laws and rules.  
The Sahrawi government stressed that «Africa does not need the experience of the Kingdom of Morocco in invasion, aggression, expansion, repression, grave violations of human rights, plundering of natural resources of people, seek to crush their aspirations for freedom, emancipation and a decent living, and flood the area of kingdom’s drugs, the largest manufacturer and exporter of cannabis in the world, thus laying the causes of tension and  instability, funding and encouraging transnational organized crime gangs and terrorist groups.» (SPS)

Origen: Sahrawi government condemns King of Morocco speech, emphasizes Sahrawi people will continue liberation struggle | Sahara Press Service