President Gali warns of Morocco possibility may bring an action against CJEU ruling | Sahara Press Service

Home President Gali warns of Morocco possibility may bring an action against CJEU ruling | Sahara Press Service

Chahid El Hafed, February 08, 2017 (SPS) – The President of the Republic, Secretary General of Frente POLISARIO, Brahim Gali warned that after the decision of the European Court of Justice reiterates that the exchanges with Morocco are not applicable to the territory of Western Sahara, which is a separate and distinct territory, Morocco is going to threaten the EU with illegal immigration and even terrorism as a weapon to push Europe to violate its laws and principles. »
The President of the Republic affirmed on Tuesday in the meeting of the Council of Ministers «the entry of the Kingdom of Morocco into the African Union as a member 55 together with the Saharawi State, a AU founding member, is a Victory of the firmness and resistance of the Saharawi people, and requires the Kingdom of Morocco to comply with the requirements of the AU Constitutive Law, approved by it without restrictions, without condition or reservation.
Brahim Gali also insisted on strengthening the capacities of the Saharawi People’s Liberation Army in terms of human, material and scientific resources to cope with changes and to promote a culture of work and productivity.
The Saharawi leader praised the firmness of the Saharawi political prisoners, in particular those of the Gdeim Izik Group, calling for further support and solidarity for their unconditional release.SPS
Origen: President Gali warns of Morocco possibility may bring an action against CJEU ruling | Sahara Press Service