Trial of Gdeim Izik prisoners postponed until 23 January | Sahara Press Service

Home Trial of Gdeim Izik prisoners postponed until 23 January | Sahara Press Service

Rabat, December 27, 2016 (SPS) -The trial (on appeal) of the Sahrawi «Gdeim Izik» political prisoners, arbitrarily sentenced to heavy penalties by a Moroccan military court, was postponed until 23 January 2017.
The trial opened at a civil court in Rabat, under the pressure of international human rights organizations.
On 27 July, the appellate court cancelled the unfair condemnation of 24 militants and defenders of human rights by a military court. They were arrested on November 2010 during the dismantling of «Gdeim Izik» camp by Moroccan military forces.
Jailed since 2010, Gdeim Izik prisoners requested their «immediate and unconditional» release on the eve of their new trial. SPS
Origen: Trial of Gdeim Izik prisoners postponed until 23 January | Sahara Press Service