Genève, 12 sept 2018 (SPS) Le membre du Secrétariat national du Front Polisario, Mohammed Beissat, a réitéré mercredi à Genève l’engagement du Polisario à soutenir les efforts de l’Envoyé personnel du secrétaire général de l’ONU pour le Sahara occidental, Horst Kohler, et à reprendre les négociations directes de «bonne foi et sans aucune condition préalable...
Etiqueta: Naciones Unidas MINURSO
AFAPREDESA: Aniversario de la MINURSO, algo que celebrar?
Aniversario de la MINURSO, algo que celebrar? 6 de septiembre de 1991- 6 de septiembre de 2018. 27 años de presencia de Naciones Unidas en el Sahara Occidental sin lograr la Paz Hoy, 6 septiembre de 2018, se cumplen 27 años desde que Naciones Unidas instaurasen el alto el fuego en el Sahara Occidental en...
President of Republic conveys his condolences on passing away of former UN SG Kofi Annan — Sahara Press Service
Bir Lehlu (Liberated Territories), August 19, 2018 (SPS) – The President of the Republic, Secretary General of the Polisario Front, Brahim Gali, has expressed his condolences for the death of the former United Nations secretary and Nobel Peace Prize Prize Laureate, Kofi Annan. 113 palabras más a través de President of Republic conveys his condolences on...
Moscou soutient les efforts de l’envoyé personnel du SG des Nations unies au Sahara occidental — Sahara Press Service
Moscou ,18 Août 2018 – La Russie soutient les efforts déployés par l’envoyé personnel du Secrétaire Général des Nations unies au Sahara occidental, M.Horst Kohler, a déclaré la porte-parole du ministère russe des Affaires étrangères Maria Zakharova, appelant à la reprise des négociations directes entre le Front Polisario et le Maroc avec la participation de… a...
Moscou soutient les efforts de l'envoyé personnel du SG des Nations unies au Sahara occidental — Sahara Press Service
Moscou ,18 Août 2018 – La Russie soutient les efforts déployés par l’envoyé personnel du Secrétaire Général des Nations unies au Sahara occidental, M.Horst Kohler, a déclaré la porte-parole du ministère russe des Affaires étrangères Maria Zakharova, appelant à la reprise des négociations directes entre le Front Polisario et le Maroc avec la participation de… a...
El Presidente de la República Saharaui traslada sus condolencias por el deceso de Kofi Annan — Sahara Press Service
Bir Lehlu (Territorios Liberados de la RASD), 18 de agosto de 2018(SPS)-.El Presidente de la República, Sr. Brahim Gali ha expresado este sábado sus condolencias por el deceso del ex secretario de Naciones Unidas y premio Nobel de la Paz, el Sr. 231 palabras más a través de El Presidente de la República Saharaui traslada sus...
Morocco-Polisario talks: Moscow supports Kohler’s efforts — Sahara Press Service
Moscow (Russia), August 18, 2018 (SPS) – Russia has expressed supports for the efforts made by the United Nations Secretary General’s special envoy for Western Sahara, Horst Kohler, the spokeswoman of the Russian ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, said, calling for resumption of the direct negotiations between Morocco and the Polisario Front, with the… a...
Morocco-Polisario talks: Moscow supports Kohler's efforts — Sahara Press Service
Moscow (Russia), August 18, 2018 (SPS) – Russia has expressed supports for the efforts made by the United Nations Secretary General’s special envoy for Western Sahara, Horst Kohler, the spokeswoman of the Russian ministry of Foreign Affairs, Maria Zakharova, said, calling for resumption of the direct negotiations between Morocco and the Polisario Front, with the… a...
Reanudación de las negociaciones Marruecos-POLISARIO: Moscú apoya los esfuerzos de Kohler — Sahara Press Service
MOSCÚ, 17 de agosto de 2018(SPS)-. Rusia apoya los esfuerzos del Enviado Personal del Secretario General de la ONU para el Sáhara Occidental, Horst Kohler, asì lo declarado la portavoz del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Rusia, Maria Zakharova. 205 palabras más a través de Reanudación de las negociaciones Marruecos-POLISARIO: Moscú apoya los esfuerzos de Kohler...
Khatri Aduh affirms «negotiations objective is to guarantee Saharawi people right to self-determination» — Sahara Press Service
BOUMERDÈS (Algeria), August 16, 2018 (SPS) – The Speaker of the Saharawi Parliament, Mr. Khatri Aduh has affirmed, Wednesday, that the main objective of the direct negotiations, is to find a solution guaranteeing the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination through the holding of a referendum leading to the decolonization of the last colony… a...
Khatri Aduh affirms «negotiations objective is to guarantee Saharawi people right to self-determination" — Sahara Press Service
BOUMERDÈS (Algeria), August 16, 2018 (SPS) – The Speaker of the Saharawi Parliament, Mr. Khatri Aduh has affirmed, Wednesday, that the main objective of the direct negotiations, is to find a solution guaranteeing the right of the Saharawi people to self-determination through the holding of a referendum leading to the decolonization of the last colony… a...